Marriage Prayer

 Father God,

Thank you for the faith to trust you in all that I am doing and saying, even in this moment. I love my Husband/Wife, and I appreciate the time that you are giving us as Married servants towards our covenant vows. Thank you for leading me on the path towards righteousness, and no matter what I am experiencing this day, whether financially, spiritually, emotionally, I trust you with an added measure of Faith that everything, will be okay!  Father, teach me how to follow your instructions, and make my life worth value unto your glory.  As I lean on your word today, and trust your power,  cover my husband/wife in a special way this day, I even pray for those who have betrayed  either him/her or me. This season represents a time of love, faith, hope, and forgiveness.

Help us to create a forgiving heart that has the ability to serve you, no matter what may come against us. Remove any distractions that prevent us from hearing your voice. Keep a hedge of protection around the hopes and dreams that are uniquely designed for our lives. Teach us BOTH how to not covet anybody’s, ANYTHING! Coveting is not of God, and we must be patient and content in whatever situation we find ourselves in this season. Our Marriage is not just a ministry, it is a movement. Generational curses of dissension, and family ties broken are being restored in Jesus name. I speak favor over my Marriage this day, and thank you for the truth of scripture that reassures me that everything, in my life, everything in my husband’s/wife’s life, will always seek to bring you Glory. I speak this prayer of Hope, Faith, Love and Truth, humbly, in Jesus Name, ~Amen~

2 thoughts on “Marriage Prayer”

  1. I really enjoy & appreciate the emails of scripture & prayer for marriages. I’m thankful for iCleave & pray that this blessing for marriage will continue.


    1. Jody Abrams, thank you for your prayers and for the love that you show this ministry. Please keep us on prayer as we do the same for you. May you be richly blessed. Always & Merry Christmas! 🙂


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